Afternoon Orioles!
2 important things before tonight's game!

1. Super Saturday is June 4th!! This is a great day for the league to come together and have fun! There will be inflatables, and coaches taking their turns in a dunking booth! These will be at the park from 9-4:30ish. The best part is the silent auction and raffle! With over 50 baskets to bid on or buy!
Each team is responsible for a basket. I'm asking for a donation of $5 from every family as soon. As you can get it to me!

2. Southeastern will be honoring parents and grandparents of all players who are Veterans! During the game, they will be recognized in the 1st inning! They will also be receiving free soft drinks at the concession stand as well as a special gift from SE Baseball!
Please let me or Coach Chris know ASAP if any of our Orioles have any Veterans!! And feel free to wear and medals, hats and uniforms!!

I know this is short notice, but I need this information tonight/tomorrow! Please feel free to call or email me any time!!
